How to earn?

Dive deeper into the realm of earning potential within Futuructa as we unveil a plethora of enticing avenues to acquire both the utility token FORRA and the governance token METTA. Let's recap:

  1. LEADERBOARD - ascend to the pinnacle of achievement by securing a coveted position among the top 3 players in the Leaderboard. Brace yourself for the imminent expansion to the top 50, and even more exciting prospects in the near future, as the scope widens for players to etch their names in glory.

  2. TOURNAMENTS - harness your merging prowess and engage in Tournaments, showcasing your skills against fellow participants. Maintain your position in the upper echelons, residing within the top 40% of competitors, as victory and rewards await those who prove their mettle.

  3. DAILY QUESTS - uncover a realm of occasional opportunities to earn crypto through the completion of Daily Quests. Consistency will be your guiding principle as you navigate these quests, paving the way for potential cryptocurrency rewards to enrich your journey.

But the horizons of earning do not end there! Seize the power of staking, a rewarding practice that grants you the chance to earn the governance token METTA. By actively engaging in the staking process, you not only contribute to the stability and growth of Futuructa but also unlock a gateway to valuable METTA tokens.

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