Play & Earn model

While studying the Web 3.0 gaming market we saw a number of dubious projects. Often the problem was pure P2E positioning with high entry fee and rewarding existing users through contributions that new users make. This mechanism is a time bomb, which detonates and kills the project, as the growth of new users inevitably slows down at some point.

Therefore, we chose an alternative path and position our project as Play & Earn, and do not introduce any entry fees with promises of high profitability. Instead, we focus on providing users with quality games, and any profit from the Ecosystem's fungible and non-fungible tokens is only a bonus to an exciting gameplay.

The Play & Earn allocation represents 27% of the total METTA supply, or 270 000 000 tokens. The goal of the P&E allocation is to attract a wide range of players to the METAFORRA ecosystem seeking token rewards. The token rewards can be further used to buy and sell NFTs, purchase in-game upgrades and boosts, which all contributes to a more rich gameplay.

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