Our mission

We aim to drive global crypto adoption through the creation of immersive Web 3.0 games that flawlessly integrate entertainment and blockchain technology.

The traditional gaming industry, like many other Web 2.0-based industries, is highly centralized. When we refer to Web 2.0, we mean the current state of the internet, which is largely dominated by companies that provide services and control users' data. Many game developers, publishers, and game aggregators exemplify such centralized organizations.

Web 3.0, in contrast, represents the next generation of the internet, where users are connected through a decentralized network called blockchain. This decentralized structure empowers users by granting them control over their data. Web 3.0 fosters an economy where individuals can utilize blockchain technology to buy, sell, or trade virtual assets in games and other online platforms.

At METAFORRA, our objective is to facilitate the connection between these two worlds in a user-friendly manner. We firmly believe that Web 3.0 gaming will contribute to a more vibrant and dynamic economy by enabling game developers to create innovative experiences and granting players greater control over their assets. Ultimately, we believe that this will lead to increased adoption of cryptocurrency worldwide!

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