METTA (governance token)

METTA governance token plays a crucial role in shaping and guiding the future of the METAFORRA ecosystem. Here are the key features:

  1. Fixed Supply: METTA tokens have a fixed supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens. This limited quantity ensures scarcity and allows for long-term planning and stability within the governance framework.

  2. Staking: METTA holders will have the opportunity to stake their tokens, locking them up for a specific period in return for passive income. Staking METTA allows users to earn additional tokens, creating an incentive for long-term engagement and commitment to the ecosystem.

  3. Acquisition Methods: METTA tokens will be available for purchase during the Seed round, Private sales, and Public sales. Furthermore, following the Token Generation Event (TGE) and listing procedure, users will have the opportunity to acquire METTA tokens on DEXs.

  4. Voting and Decision-Making: METTA holders will gain the ability to actively participate in voting processes that shape the future of the ecosystem. Users will be able to propose changes, improvements, or new initiatives to the platform.

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